ARM FuSa – Compiler for Embedded FuSa (Term NL/FL License)

Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa consists of a toolchain, a qualification kit, and documentation.  The toolchain is also compatible with the following related components:

  • An optional Certified C Library.
  • The open-source CMSIS library.
  • The Keil FuSa RTX.
  • Arm’s Software Test Libraries (STLs) for selected Arm cores.


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Safety Qualification

The certification of safety end-products requires a compiler toolchain used in development to be qualified according to appropriate functional safety standards. The process of qualifying these tools known as ‘Tool Qualification’ or ‘Tool Validation’ can be time-consuming and expensive process. This process also does not offer any differentiation to the end-product. While end-users have to be responsible for the overall tool qualification process, vendors of development tools can make this process much easier by offering tools that are qualified to appropriate safety standards.

Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa is a qualified C/C++ toolchain that has been assessed by safety-accredited certification body, TÜV SÜD. The qualified toolchain is suitable for developing embedded software for safety markets including automotive, industrial, medical, railways, and aviation.

With a TÜV certificate and a comprehensive Qualification Kit, Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa greatly simplifies the overall Tool Qualification process, allowing end-users to focus on their end-product development.

Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa is qualified for developing software that meets the highest level of safety integrity for the following standards:

  • IEC 61508 (Industrial) – SIL 3
  • ISO 26262 (Automotive) – ASIL D
  • EN 50128 (Railways) – SIL 4
  • IEC 62304 (Medical) – Class C

For other safety standards, many of which have been derived from IEC 61508, the Qualification Kit provides the key information required by end-users need to perform Tool Validation.

Long-term Support and Maintenance

Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa is derived from, but different to, the standard Arm Compiler for Embedded product. Each release series of Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa is part of a dedicated “safety branch”. A safety branch is derived from a standard unqualified Arm Compiler for Embedded release by defining a safety boundary and a stable feature set prior to qualification, and is thereafter maintained separately from the standard Arm Compiler for Embedded product. For example, see the following diagram that shows how Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa 6.16LTS has been derived from the standard unqualified release, Arm Compiler for Embedded 6.16.

Diagram showing how Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa release series are created

The following maintenance policy applies to each Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa release series:

  • An active maintenance period, during which the release series receives incremental maintenance updates that can include:
    • Safety-related defect fixes
    • Minor feature requests that have a low impact on functional safety
  • A final active maintenance release, after which the release series is considered legacy and enters an extended maintenance period.
  • An extended maintenance period, during which incremental updates will not be made but issues can resolved through workarounds that Arm provides.
  • A premium service for bespoke support and maintenance is also available.


Component Description Note
Safety Qualification Each release of the qualified Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa toolchain goes through extensive testing and a qualification process. The qualification covers the following toolchain binaries:

  • The compiler and integrated assembler, armclang
  • The linker, armlink
  • The librarian, armar
  • The image conversion and disassembly utility, fromelf
  • Standard C/C++ libraries are included in the product but excluded from the qualification. An optional Certified C Library is available to license separately with certain versions of Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa.
  • The legacy assembler, armasm, is included in the product but excluded from qualification. Arm recommends using the integrated assembler, armclang for all assembly language source code.
TÜV Certificate
  • Every qualified Arm Compiler release has a Certificate from TÜV SÜD.
  • The Certificate is accompanied by a TÜV assessment report which provides assurance that the processes used to develop the toolchain are in accordance with the safety standards stated in the Certificate.
Qualification Kit and included documents
  • The Qualification provides vital safety information about the toolchain operation, recommended usage, and diagnostic capabilities.
  • The documents provided in the Qualification Kit can be used in the assessment of the toolchain for use within a safety-related  project. For example, for a safety-related project developed according to the ISO 26262 (2018) standard, Section 11 Confidence in the use of software tools describes software tool assessment methods that use information from the Qualification Kit documents.
Safety Manual Provides guidance for using the tools in a safety-related project. This includes recommendations about features to use in safety- related projects, features available in the tools which are not recommended for use in a safety-related project, and the responsibilities of the end- user.
Defect Report Provides a description of known safety-critical tool defects and any appropriate workarounds where applicable. The Defect Report is used by a developers to ensure that they do not use features known to have issues, and by validators to ensure that a safety-related product is not affected by any known issues in the tools. A regularly updated version of this Report, known as the Defect Notification Report, is also available subject to additional support agreements with Arm.
Development Process Documents the processes used to develop the toolchain and provides confidence that the toolchain has been developed using a process that meets the requirements of the relevant safety standards.
Test Report Provides evidence of the conformance of the tools to the C and C++ language specifications by showing test results from using the Perennial and SuperTest test suites. Any deviation reported by the test suites is included in the test report.
Certified C Library
  • License separately in addition to the Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa.
  • A subset of the standard C library that consists of approximately 200 functions that have been specifically implemented and optimized for use in safety development.
  • The library can be used with the Arm FuSa Run-Time System and FuSa CMSIS-Core.
  • The Certified C Library comes with:
    • Certificate from TÜV SÜD and supports the same functional safety standards as Arm Compiler for Embedded FuSa.
    • Qualification Kit which contains the Safety Manual and Defect Report.
The Certified C Library is compatible with specific versions of the qualified Arm Compiler toolchains.



Ideal for usage by an individual developer on a fixed workstation. In this case the license will be
encrypted to only enable the software product on a pre-specified host machine.

Concurrent or floating

Best model to enable sharing of licenses across a within of developers, within agreed geographical
limits. The number ‘seats’ in a license determines how many simultaneous developers are allowed
to use the software product. This licensing model requires a license server to be installed on customer’s premises.

Cancellation & No Refund Policy

Cancellation: You can cancel your subscription at any time. Please note that we do not provide credit, refunds or prorated billing for any licenses that are cancelled once purchased.

No Return/Refund: All sales are final, there are no refunds.