Razorcat CCDL – Check Case Definition Language

CCDL is a test specification language that provides a dedicated high-level and easy to learn test language for powerful requirements based system testing. The fully automated test execution and evaluation shortens testing cycles and reduces required manpower. The intuitively readable CCDL test specification reduces documentation effort and the test execution flow visualization reveals the dynamic behavior of the system under test (SUT) and clearly spots any deviations against the expected results.

Node-Locked License: CCDL license for a single computer (node-locked) for usage with a local test system.

Server License: CCDL server license for usage with a multi user test bench (e.g. TRM server).

Tool Qualification Package: Containing tool requirements information, test planning documents and a suite of tests for certification of the CCDL compiler according to DO178-B/C or other standards that require software testing tool qualification.

For detailed options and pricing, please request a quote.


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Test specification language

CCDL Editor
CCDL Execution Flow


Your benefits

  • High-level test specification language dedicated for testing
  • Intuitively readable and easy to learn
  • Unambiguous test stimulation and definition of expected system reactions
  • Automatic compilation into real-time execution test control program
  • Automatic requirements based evaluation of SUT behavior
  • Visualization of execution flow for analysis and debugging of the test specification

Cancellation & No Refund Policy

Cancellation: You can cancel your subscription at any time. Please note that we do not provide credit, refunds or prorated billing for any licenses that are cancelled once purchased.

No Return/Refund: All sales are final, there are no refunds.